I want a better website.
It’s what many people tell us during our first meeting to talk about their project. All too often, clients who have spent thousands of dollars or hundreds of hours are frustrated by the poor results.
Good web design looks elegant and appears effortless. Just like a ballet dancer or professional athelete, it’s tempting to watch them and think, “I could do that,” but of course, when you try to execute a perfect fouetté or to throw a three-pointer, it quickly becomes clear that it’s not so easy.
Everyone wants a website that looks good and is responsive on all types of devices, and it’s easier than ever to get. There are thousands of skilled WordPress designers out there, and some easy-to-use build-it-yourself tools.
But a website is more than just pictures, widgets and forms. Just like with dancers and athletes, those beautiful pages need to have substance below the surface—and this is where marketing knowledge and expertise comes in.
Whether you run a software business, medical office, real estate company or day spa, you are an expert in your field, but chances are you haven’t spent a lot of time practicing the art of marketing. It’s also true that many website designers are not experts in marketing. Approaching your website from a marketing perspective is essential to getting elegant and effective results.
We think there are five essential questions you should consider when designing your website.
Who is your audience and what do they need from you?
What is your unique value that sets you apart from your competition?
What are your goals for your website? Are you a local business wanting to make sure customers can find you? Do your solutions require an educational process, as often is the case with technology providers? Do you want to interact directly with customers through your website?
What action or actions do you want your website visitors to take, at what point in the sales cycle, and why?
Where does your website fit in to your overall marketing mix?
If you’d like help making your website both elegant and effective, give me a call.